Thursday 19 November 2009

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review


from Wikipedia.

'Modern Warfare 2 is set five years after the conclusion of Call of Duty 4. Despite the efforts of the Marines and the SAS, the Ultranationalists seize control of Russia and declare Zakhaev a hero and martyr. Meanwhile, Vladimir Makarov, one of Zakhaev's former lieutenants, begins a campaign against Europe by committing numerous acts of terrorism'.

There is many skeptics out there that will judge a game simply by a certain level or mission. This game has received a shitstorm from not only the press, but mainly politicians. What they don't seem to grasp as that you can turn this option off and skip the offensive bits. It's a great move by Infinity Ward, the developers who along with Treyarch make the overall series come to life.
The action is visceral, get shot and the blood splatter is tainted on the screen. If you die you are treated to a visual of blood and some philosophy. Why anyone decided to put a quote used by Dick Cheney is beyond me....this guy shot one of his own men from 30 yards!

This game was announced in February 2009 and released nine months later to a fanfare of hype.
I think this has almost surpassed Gears of War in terms of gunplay and the cover system, it's that good. The AI has improved, possibly giving us all glimpse of next gen enemies. But, apart from the story which is just downright brilliant - is the updated IW.4.0 engine.

Probably the best engine in the industry, it is a close rival now of the Unreal engine (which was the base of GoW). In all the gaming hours I played in my first sitting, which was 6hrs 21mins I never dropped a frame. Fluid, intense and no lag. That's what gaming should be. The graphics are the best since GoW too. I'll just say one more thing about the visuals.
In the Washington mission, there is a part where you are exiting a bombed out building, rain is faling everywhere. I stepped across the threshold and the whole screen went wavy and dreamy. That for me is one of the greatest moments in any game I've played. The fact it happens in real time, in front of your very eyes is quite astonishing. The processing power required to jumble the whole screen must be immense but it pulls it off with ease.

During the end of the whole thing, you notice you've been betrayed the guy giving you all these missions. We have to kill him....and it's these storyline I think that make games that sell well.
Not only does it educate you about the warfare it lets you know how these things could start.

All in all, and it's not a thorough review asit should be but it would just end up being me saying 'awesome' or 'amazing' every few sentences. Well..I'm going to break it and say this game is both awesome and amazing. It has no competitor in terms of graphics at this very moment in time on the 360. Some of the best gun modelling I've ever seen too, which also seemed to a major leap from the first Modern Warfare.

So Infinity Ward have done it again. They've taken real subject matter and infused it with such gorgeous characteristics, that it's really impossible to question it without ever giving it a blast.


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